Monday, March 3, 2025

Sunday Music Muse Day (day late) - Joe Pass, Jerry Granelli (with Ralph Towner)

Here's by day late Sunday Music Muse Day post.  (The start of the March of Robots online drawing event, threw me off schedule).  Both selection feature two favorite guitarists, but with slight twist.  First up is Joe Pass Unforgettable, there's not much to say about the late legendary jazz guitarist.  He remains at the top at any discussion of jazz guitar.  The twist of this CD is he's playing nylon-string acoustic guitar, not an electric jazz guitar, like a Gibson ES-175 (the CD's cover photo show him playing a thin body guitar, like my ES-175T).  There's a mystery for jazz guitar lovers. The music is classic Joe Pass, playing beautiful version of jazz standards.  

My next selection is one I picked for the side men, more that the leader.  Jerry Granelli One Day at a Time.   Leader, drummer Jerry Gannelli, is new to me, but seeing Ralph Towner, Charlie Haden, and Robben Ford, as side men intrigued me.  Especially as Ralph Tower is only playing synthesizer, not acoustic guitar.  I knew he was also an excellent pianist, but known for play the syn. The liner notes Jerry Granelli says the music was "...recorded over 3 days. There are no over dubs, only two written compositions. All of this music is what I call spontaneous composition.  So is a freewheeling session, interesting but not really exciting.

Please forgive the delayed, but late that never.  Enjoy

Return of a Random Blue Dot - DflyDen - Titanfall 2 Camping & Pistol Action Clips

Here's another video of my return to online video gaming.   I'm lousy at FPS (First Person Shooters), but Titanfall 2 is a blast to play. I can't do full game videos yet, until I get a capture card. 

March of the Robots 2025 - Drawing Event

I'm participating in the March of Robots online daily drawing event.  I need to get back in todarwin gon regular basis.  I've found I lacked off to point of only drawing during Inktober. 

So, here my first two drawing for the month. I think I'll be during mostly unfinished blue pencil drawings, and pick the best to complete at a later date. I just have other creative commitments and projects I need to spend time on.

#1 -'Big".

#2 - "Cone".
