This is my Dragonfly Toon Flipz mini-book of the first Star Wars Clone Wars "Series Preview Trailer" released last year. I made this concept demo book and sent it, with a proposal, to show's executive producer at Lucas Arts. The proposal included mock-up covers for a Star Wars Force Unleashed and Fracture, upcoming Lucas Arts video games. I know the proposal was passed on to another (marketing) executive. But I never heard any more about it. So, although two copies of my Clone Wars Flipz book is floating around he Lucas Arts offices, somewhere, I must assume it's a D.O.A.project. In any case, I'm posting it here (and on youtube.com, check out the high quality version for best viewing)) as a "Fan Movie" It's a "Concept Demo" and not for sale. If you like it, spread the word to other Star Wars fans and maybe email Lucas Arts. Your comments are always welcomed.
I'm still searching for the "right eyeballs" to see the potential my Dragonfly Flip book format has. It is ideal for movie and TV tie books. It's like photo-graphic novel with motion. Viewer comments on youtube or other sites tells me there is an interest in my Dragonfly Flipz books, so I'll just keep trying. I'm going to try contacting Dark Horse Comics, again, as they are a big Star Wars licensee. Sent them a email, also if you like my Flipz Book.
In case you missed it, here the first trailer:
I'm looking forward to the movie opening this week. From the look of the latest trailers it looks great. So, far the animated versions have been top notch (maybe, they will for the episodes I, II, and III).
I'll be post more video of other D.O.A. Dragonfly Flipz books. I realize I have back log of stuff the need the see the light, like a Hellboy Comix Flipz book set and Halo trading card size mini-flip book. Until then enjoy.