Happy New Year, again, to every one. Let's start the year off with two nice selections. First up, David Friesen Castles and Flags. This is a pleasant CD that could be a concept album to an untold tale of kings, queens, knights and damsels, if you go by the song titles and liner note text. I liked it. I first heard bassist Friesen from his early albums in the 1970s, including several duets with guitarist John Stowell, who I saw perform duet with Bob Sneider at the Bop Shop a couple of years ago. Also, the graphic design on the back with the type written in a spiraling maze, reminded me of the time when I wrote letters to art school friends over summer breaks, and would write letters to them in this way. If, the letter was 2 sided, the second side would start in the center and spiral out. (That's make me feel old, what 20-something actual writes letters to their friends, anymore?) Anyway, this CD is worth a listen.

My second is an item I've been looking for, for I long time, Pat Metheny The Orchestrion Project - A Film by Pierre & Francois Lamoureux - DVD. I first came across this DVD while working at the Brighton Memorial Library, borrowed it then. Being a long time Metheny fan I was curious about this side project from 2012. The scope of this musical project is overwhelming. It's almost too massive for me to try to describe, but Metheny says the root of it was a player piano his grandfather had. Now you can find video of it n Youtube. I have the CD the came from this DVD, and Metheny still performs with small version the Orchestrion machines in concerts, like his show I saw in Rochester several years ago. This definitely worth checking Pat Metheny's and the filmmakers' liner notes on this DVD.
Hopefully this year will bring endless good music to keep the coming chaos at bay. I'll do my best to bring good tunes to you. Peace.