Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Mats Eilertsen, Pat Martino

With holiday seasonal music still sounding in our head, let's try to clean out our ears with these two Sunday Music Muse Day selections.  First up, Mats Eilertsen Rubicon, an 2016  understated ECM released that you should find enjoyable.

Next up, Pat Martino Head And Heart - Consciousness/Live.  This release on the 32 Jazz label is an re-issuing of two of the late legendary guitarist vinyl records.  Any Martino music is worth having in my collection.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season.  Have safe, and Happy New Year's Eve, and here's wishing you all the best in the coming New Year.   We're going to need to look out or each other to get through it.  Peace.

Introducting my "Confession of A Serial Accumulator Youtube Playlist.

I've been getting into watching mature Youtuber's "Toy Hunts", so I'm jumping on the bandwagon, on a little scale, in my own way. Introducing "Confessions of Serial Accumulator". Enjoy.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - David Liebman, Turtle Island Quartet

It's ten days to Christmas, and this Sunday Music Muse Day, find me still putting off my Xmas shopping.  While I procrastinate, let list to two slightly odd CDs, in being sort of concept records (?).  First up, David Liebman  The Elements: Water. This "theme" is water.  The music ranges from introspective to more avant-garde played by high-quality sideman.  There is also an interview with Dave Liebman about the production of the music, on the last track. Worth a listen.

My second selection is the Turtle Island Quartet Have you ever Been...?  The theme of this classical quartet CD is playing the music of Jimi Hendrix (a favorite of mine) and the music of David Balakrishnan, the group's founder and resident composer. There's evena tune by John Mclaughlin, "To Bop or Not to Be", from one of his post-Mahavishu Orchestra CDs.  The music of Balakrishnan ,"Tree of Life", is a suite inspired by the Charles Darwin's book, "On the Origin of Species".  I have an earlier CD of the group and think of them a classical fusion band.  I think you'll find their interpretations of Hendrix tunes interesting.

I hope to start my Xmas shopping this week (I have no choice, I guess).  Next Sunday Music Muse Day will feature holiday music.  Until then, enjoy.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Thundercats Tuesday: My unproduced Thundercats story outlines.

I was honored to have written two Thundercats episodes for the last season of the original Rankin/Bass series. I'm was proud of both "Shadowmaster" (TC#125) and "Well of Doubt" (TC#129), but there were several story outlines that didn't make pass the pitch or outline stage, and were unproduced. Here are my collection of my outlines. In future posts, I'll give more detail of each one. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Charles Lloyd, ECM Records (Anthology)

This Sunday Music Muse Day finds me offering two ECM Records selections.  First up, Charles Lloyd Life Every Voice, a 2002 ECM release featuring a top-notch group of musicians, including the late John Abercrombie on guitar  (one of my favorites) Marc Johnson and Larry Grenadier on double bass, Geri Allen on piano, and Bill Hart on drums.  Playing the tenor saxophone, flute, and taragato a woodwind instrument commonly used in Hungarian folk music, Lloyd leads the group through a varied collection of standard, traditional, and popular tunes, managing to keep each fresh and enjoyable.

My second selection is ECM - Selected Signs, a CD of various artists on its roster.  Worth listening to for a good sampling of what the label has to offer. 

So, with Santa, making a list, and checking it twice, be good to yourself and others, or there'll be coal in your stocking and not a CD of music. ;)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Thundercats fan makes my day - Babylonian Barbarian Boiler cel

I currently received an email from a Thundercat's fan, Andrew Mackenzie, who was asking about a T'Cats animation cel he had  bought on Ebay.  In the end, it was a cel I sold on Ebay years ago, of Mumm-Ra with the Babylonian Barbarian Boiler cel from Episode 124, "Ma-Mutt's Confusion". I have to admit, the BB Boiler was one of my favorite prop designs, and there were times I regretted selling it.  But Andrew's email makes me feel better knowing the cel is being appreciated, instead of just being stashed away in my art files. So, Andrew was kind enough to give me permission to mention him in this post, and share his pic of the cel on his wall.

Thanks, again, Andrew.  All the best and ...THUNDERCATS HOOOO!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - John Coltrane, Bradford Marsalis.

This post Thanksgiving Sunday Music Muse Day find me still recovering from eating leftovers from the holiday fest.  But the need to slow down, makes listening to some jazz easier.  My two selection this week, are a little out of guilt.  First up is John Coltrane Live at the Village Vanguard: The Master Tapes. What self-respecting jazz fan can pass up buying this CD with a title like that?  I admit to not being a big Coltrane fan, but I have to respect his legacy enough to give this a listen. There's enough for me to like, and some for me to say, "not my thing".  

My second selection causes a sense of guilt differently.  Bradford Marsalis I heard you Twice the First Time, leaves me feeling guilty of not liking his music as much as I feel I should.  I can hear echoes of John Coltrane in his playing, and his use of the spoken word reminds me of his Bop-Hop leaning music with his Buckshot Lefondue releases. Also, I respect hi for his gig as bandleader of the Tonight Show, and String's Bring on the Night tour.  But his jazz group recordings don't do it for me, plain and simple. 


Now the rush to Christmas begins.  Make sure their some good jazz music in between the standard Xmas tunes. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Gene Bertoncini & Frank Vignola, Pat Martino

Just a quick Sunday Music Muse Day post of two CD of veteran jazz guitarists. First up, Gene Bertocini and Frank Vignola Meeting of the Grooves, performing a set of classic jazz standards. I feel fortunate to keep finding Gene Bertoncini CDs as they always bring a smile to my face.

I can always say the same for the late Pat Martino Think Tank. This is a 2003 Blue Note Records release that will find plenty of time on my CD player.

This weekend find us preparing for Thanksgiving, and even with the stress and feelings of impending doom with incoming presidential administration, we must remember and hold on to things in our lives we have to be thankful for.  Here's wishing you a peaceful and safe Thanksgiving holiday.

Sunday Music Muse Day - Dev Ramsaran Un Dia de Noviembre

Here's a special Sunday Music Muse Day treat, the latest performance video by Dev Ramsaran. I commented, on Youtube, "Bravo...bravo! Beautifly done. I'll have to learn the melody, so we can play it together next time we get together. Also. I had to look up the translation for the title, which is "A Day in November". I have to share a song, totally different, that I wrote back in 1980, titled, "November Night"...So now we have two songs for our Deb/Dev Zen Guitar Duo (LOL...keeping the dream alive) Again, great playing." Be sure to give him a like on Youtube, to encourage him for more.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Tord Gustavsen, Bill Frisell.

This Sunday Music Muse Day, find me, and others, still in shock, over the election results, and concerned about the future. But I tried to remain calm focused on the realty of the moment and deal with facts and truth to guide me.  My selections today offer calm, and challenge.  First, the calm is Tord Gustavsen Trio Seeing.  This piano, bass and drum trio plays introspective music, that almost a whisper at time. It's hard to imagine this being played in large concert hall.  I have several of Gustavsen, and generally enjoy his music, as I do this one., whether it's a trio, quartet or other grouping with the addition various horn players.  A certain amount of introspective is needed at this point. 

Next is Bill Frisell Breaking the Shell, with Kit Downes on pipe organ, and Andrew Cyrille on drums. The challenge is in the first sentence of the liner note that mention that this is an unusual instrumental line up.  And, I have to admit, this CD leaves me with mixed feelings.  At time that music leans into unfocused Avant-garde territory, before returning to a more relaxed, again introspective nature.  I'll have to give it several more listening before I give it a solid thumbs up or down.

So, there you have it.  I wasn't sure I'd do a post this week as the election results hit me like ton of bricks. But, I have to pick myself up, and move forward. I hope you have, or can find way to keep yourself sane in these chaotic times. Always remember, you're not alone. Peace.