Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Jan Garbarek, Egberto Gismonti, & Charlie Haden - Magico, Larry Coryell

This Sunday Music Muse Day finds our local weather ranging from blueskies with bellowing white cloud to sinister dark clouds, to heavy down pours, or as we call it, typical Rochester weather, it changes by the minute. I'm finding comfort in listening to two enjoyable CD finds. First up, Jan Garbarek, Egberto Gismonti and Charlie Haden - Magico - Carta de Amor.  It's a long title for a trio generally known a Magico, from the title of their first outing in 1980 with Charlie Haden credited as leader. I remember buying the album back then and remained a fan ever since. Carta de Amor was recorded live in Munchen, Germany, in April 1981.  The beauty of their music in timeless.  This two CD set has one of my favorite  Magico tune, "Palhaco", but there is only paid versions online from this CD set. I'm happy to say I got to see Egberto Gismonti in duet with Nana Vasconcelos, in the '80's in a Brazilian club/disco in NYC. I was attracted to Gismonti's playing of a 10-string classical guitar, and his amazing piano performances.  I think he single-handedly introduced me to another side of Brazilian music, besides bossa nova, coming from the region of Bahia, Brazil. Any Magico trio CD is worth giving a listen.

My second selection is actually a repeat posting, due to my being a visual person, in that I thought, by the cover, it was one I didn't have, but actually Larry Coryell Shining Hour is a CD I already have.  I'm glad I do,  because I find the 32 Jazz release cover info to be totally lacking, just stating the band personal, and the song titles, but not tunes authors, or even the recording date info.  This is a nice straight ahead jazz session for Coryell and company to shine, recorded in 1999 at the Van Gelder Recording Studio, with the legendary Rudy Van Gelder, engineering. It doesn't get better than that.

Here's the original CD Cover.

As The rain continues, on and off. I'm happy to be indoors and listening to these tunes.  Enjoy.

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