Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Pat Metheny, Gene Bertoncini

This Sunday Music Muse Day find me presenting two jazz guitarists who need not introductions, Pat Metheny and Gene Bertoncini, sharing a common theme, exploring their solo guitar playing in a different setting. First up, Pat Metheny MoonDial, his latest release and second solo session to follow last year's Dream Box release. Metheny state these solo outing give him a chance to revisit his work in a new way. They do offer a more intimate setting than a full band. (It may allow make more financial sense to go solo for a while)  This is worth giving it a listen. 

Next is Gene Bertoncini Concerti where we find playing his solo guitar arrangement with a full  string quartet and bass.  Bartoncini state the string arrangements were done by colleagues from The Eastman School of Music, in Rochester, NY.  The arrangements are lively and energetic.  This is also, a pleasure to listen to. 

So, these more intimate sessions may be just the thing after the excitement of the political. Enjoy

Browsing Barnes & Noble - Taking Pic vs. Impulse buying.

I did a quick browsing trip to Barnes & Noble today, here's what I saw:

This card game based on the Invincible animated series. It doesn't interest me too much to me.  There are no 3D game figures.

Battletech Paint Starter set. I thought of getting this, but it really pricy.  Plus, I've started using a acrylic paint markers, and find they fit my need for now.  But i will use the packaging art as color match chart for painting the Mech models I got several weeks ago.

The B&N video section had a display of DVD/Blu-Ray steelcase items. The Ghost in the Shell and Nausica steelcases were tempting.

This little plush remind my of one I have for My Totoro.

I'm conflicted on whether I like this new Jim Hendrix graphic novel.  The art's not bad, but I'm just jaded by my love for the Bill Sienkiewicz "Voodoo Child: the Illustrated Legend of Jim Hendrix (1995), it is hard to want to see another version. Although, this looks like their going for a sci-fi fantasy version, not a straight biography.  I'll think about it.  Who knows, it maybe show up in Ollie's. 

These Andrew Loomis books reminds me of my teen years when I constantly borrowed Loomis drawing books from the public library, since couldn't afford ot buy them.  My library card you my key to open the doors to New Worlds.

Again, I find myself snapping pics in instead of impulse buying. If some of these items show up in future reduced sales, I might reconsider.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Rale Micic, Gerry Gibbs and the Thrasher Band

Here's my Sunday Music Muse Day post, actually on Sunday.  First up, Rale Micic 3. This guitarist twas totally new to me.  I just picked up the CD for cheap, because it looked like a young jazz guitar trio.  It turned out to be a good CD.  It's rather low-key with almost introspective feel.  The trio consist of Rale Micic, on guitar, Scott Colley, on bass , and Gregory Hutchinson, on drums, playing mostly original tunes my Micic.  Again, none of these musicians were known to me, but that's the fun of CD collecting, finding diamonds in the rough. Looking him up on the web, he has released five albums, and has played with one of my favorite guitarists, the late John Abercrombie. So, I figure I'll keep an eye out for his other releases.

Next up, is Gerry Gibbs and the Thrasher Band Faces Unknown. I have several of drummer/leader Gerry Gibbs Thrasher Dream Trio CDs, but this Thrasher Band seem to be a special group Gerry moved from San Antonio, Texas to LA, after help establish a vibrant jazz scene, and creative community in San Antonio. All the band members, except for Gibbs, are new to me, but the music is lively and interesting. Definitely worth a listen.

So, enjoy your day, and try to find some music to lift your spirits.

Sunday Music Muse Day - Sylvain Luc, Jazz The Definitive Performance

This Sunday Music Muse day is a short one to catch up with the CDs I  bought tn Ottawa, Canada, last month.  I've been giving all repeated listening. This week, Sylvain Luc Organic, is a guitarist lead trio I never heard of before, but they're quite good.  It's nice to find new music, it makes me want to seek out their another work.  Nice CD packaging, also.  The leaf and type is printed on a clear plastic sleeve. 

Next is an impressive anthology collection of Columbia Records recordings.  Jazz: The Definitive Performance is like a mini-version of Ken Burns Jazz documentary and CD collection. The first track is from 1917 and last 1997, and the musical odyssey in between is just wonderful to listen to.  I highly recommend this series, like this, to get a fuller understanding of the timeless nature of jazz in all its forms. It's add treat that my father, drummer Sam Woodyard,  plays on one of the two Duke Ellington tunes featured. This 2 CD set is definitely worth checking out.

So, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Klaus Schulze, The Police

This week's Sunday Music Muse Day (a day late, again) is a brief, closer look at two CDs, The Police and Klaus Schulze - Royal Festival Hall Vol.2, that I bought on my trip to Ottawa, to visit my friend, Dev Ramsaran, and his wife.  There is a connection between them in that members of the Police played on concerts it the electronic musician Klaus Schulze. 

Listening to this 2 CD Police collection, offer in chronological order, it wasn't until the 9th track, Message in a Bottle that really got to in the band. I was never a big fan of "Rozanne" their breakout hit.  After Message in a Bottle, I the guitar playing of Andy Sumner really caught my ear. The Police do remain one of the last popular Rock band I followed, and continued to follow their separate solo careers. This CD set has some nice packaging design.

The Klaus Schulze Royal Festival Hall Vol. 2, makes me want to find the Vol.1 CD.  I'm not a big fan of purely electronic music, but enjoy this concert recording. The CD graphic are cool, too.
