Monday, August 5, 2024

Sunday Music Muse Day - Klaus Schulze, The Police

This week's Sunday Music Muse Day (a day late, again) is a brief, closer look at two CDs, The Police and Klaus Schulze - Royal Festival Hall Vol.2, that I bought on my trip to Ottawa, to visit my friend, Dev Ramsaran, and his wife.  There is a connection between them in that members of the Police played on concerts it the electronic musician Klaus Schulze. 

Listening to this 2 CD Police collection, offer in chronological order, it wasn't until the 9th track, Message in a Bottle that really got to in the band. I was never a big fan of "Rozanne" their breakout hit.  After Message in a Bottle, I the guitar playing of Andy Sumner really caught my ear. The Police do remain one of the last popular Rock band I followed, and continued to follow their separate solo careers. This CD set has some nice packaging design.

The Klaus Schulze Royal Festival Hall Vol. 2, makes me want to find the Vol.1 CD.  I'm not a big fan of purely electronic music, but enjoy this concert recording. The CD graphic are cool, too.


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