Sunday, August 25, 2024

Browsing Barnes & Noble - Taking Pic vs. Impulse buying.

I did a quick browsing trip to Barnes & Noble today, here's what I saw:

This card game based on the Invincible animated series. It doesn't interest me too much to me.  There are no 3D game figures.

Battletech Paint Starter set. I thought of getting this, but it really pricy.  Plus, I've started using a acrylic paint markers, and find they fit my need for now.  But i will use the packaging art as color match chart for painting the Mech models I got several weeks ago.

The B&N video section had a display of DVD/Blu-Ray steelcase items. The Ghost in the Shell and Nausica steelcases were tempting.

This little plush remind my of one I have for My Totoro.

I'm conflicted on whether I like this new Jim Hendrix graphic novel.  The art's not bad, but I'm just jaded by my love for the Bill Sienkiewicz "Voodoo Child: the Illustrated Legend of Jim Hendrix (1995), it is hard to want to see another version. Although, this looks like their going for a sci-fi fantasy version, not a straight biography.  I'll think about it.  Who knows, it maybe show up in Ollie's. 

These Andrew Loomis books reminds me of my teen years when I constantly borrowed Loomis drawing books from the public library, since couldn't afford ot buy them.  My library card you my key to open the doors to New Worlds.

Again, I find myself snapping pics in instead of impulse buying. If some of these items show up in future reduced sales, I might reconsider.

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