Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Music Muse Day - Joe Zawinul, David Darling

I missed doing my Sunday Music Muse Day post, last week (sorry, Kevin), but I'm back with two gems. First, is Joe Zawinul Stories of the Danube.  The sticker on the 1996 CD states it's the "World Premiere Recording of Joe Zawinul's First Symphony".  It's really engrossing. Of course, Joe Zawinul is best known for being a co-founder of Weather Report, the pioneering jazz fusion group, with Wayne Shorter, Jaco Pastrious, and others. Also, for playing with Miles Davis, and before that, writing the Soul Jazz hit "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" while playing with Cannonball Adderley. Zawinul was a complete musician.  This is a really great CD.  You can hear musical quotes from music he wrote for Miles Davis and Weather Report that will bring a smile to your face. This is worth seeking out.

My second selection is David Daring Eight String Religion. I'm most familiar with cellist David Daring as an ECM recording artist. This CD is on the Hearts of Space label, which I gathered, is a more New Age music company.  This CD does exhibit some of that sound, but not in a bad way.  The label also released the music of Tim Clark - Tales of the Sun People. Clark did music for Ruby the Galactic Gumshoe, audio play series, a favorite of mine.  Eight String Religion is a pleasant collection, and fitting for a quiet afternoon, or evening.

We're getting a cool preview of fall here in upstate New York.  It's getting chilly enough to turn on the heat in the house, and throw a heavy comforter on the bed at night.  All the more reason to squirrel away some good music for the winter.  Enjoy. 

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