Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Music Muse Day - Weather Report, Fred Hersch & Bill Frisell

This Sunday Music Muse Day marks the beginnings of this fall season.  It's feeling cooler and more leaves are starting to fall.  It's the perfect time to gather some good music CDs, like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter, to listen to this coming winter.  First up is Weather Report Live in London.  Curiously, this CD doesn't list the performance dates. The personal line up suggest a later version of the group.  Checking Wikipedia, it seems to fall in the years 1984-85.  I have to rate this as good, but not essential for Weather Report fans.

Next up is Fred Hersch + Bill Frisell Songs We Know. It's piano and guitar duet session with Hersch on piano and Frisell on guitar play a nice collection of classic jazz tunes, many considered standard.  The light of the music is just right for settling in with a warm drink and maybe a good book.

Well, hope everyone is enjoying the first days of fall.  Let's try to remain positive in the swirling chaos the seems to brewing.  I might help to find some music the block the noise of the world.  Peace.

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