Sunday, November 27, 2022

A happy follow up to "No Laughling" post

So as the world goes crazy over Elon Musk(rat) screwing around with Twitter, here's my personal, positive social media story. I posted a Youtude videos last year of music done with friends 37 years ago. Somehow the brother of one of them, Marie Mularczyk O'Connell, stumble on my videos this weekend and commented. I answered and ask him to show Marie the link. To my happy surprise, Marie contacted me by email and friend request on Facebook. It's wonderful to reconnect and share a memory that she can share with family and friends. Plus, she's still doing music, a folk music group, Mountain Maidens. So, the moral is social media has a positive side when used properly.

Actually, Marie's post to Facebook brought a comment by Jerry Mastriano. the bass player, so it was nice to contact with him too.

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