Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sunday Music Muse Day - Grant Green, Tal Farlow

This very cold Sunday Music Muse Day is a celebration classic jazz guitar, Both of my selections are from players who I heard of, or maybe read about in Guitar Player magazine long before discovering their music for myself. That may have to do with the fact their recordings career where at in the 50s. and 60s.  In anycase, first up is Grant Green Born to be Blue a session of jazz standards recorded for Blue Note  in 1961 at the famous Van Gelder Studio, in Englewood, New Jersey. My biggest kick out of listening to this CD was finally being able put a name to the opening notes of tune, "Born to Be Blue", which is used for promo for Jazz90.1 a lot.  There is a plenty of bluey jazz guitar to like in Grant Green playing.

Next is Tal Farlow's Finest Hour.  Again, his name appeared in many Guitar Player Magazine features about influencial jazz guitar legends.  Since my interest at the time (mid-1970s) was jazz fusion, his music wasn't one I sought out.  It's never too late to learn about and enjoy a guitar legend like Tal Falow, and I'm doing my best to catch up.

As the east coast is getting slam by a heavy snow storm, we feel lucky to escape with only single digit temperatures.  To everyone, stay warm, stay safe. 

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