Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sunday Music Muse Day - July 4th - Keith Jarrett, John Taylor

Today's Sunday Music Muse Day find us observing the July 4th national holiday.  Like many, I find my myself in more reflective, than celebratory mood this year on the past, present and future of America. My selections mirror that feeling.  First is Keith Jarrett Selected Recording, a 2-CD collection in the RCM :Rarum series which his the artist "select their favorite performances on ECM". This is certainly a tall order for Keith Jarrett as his ECM catalog of recordings is massive and widely acclaimed.  Varied is a understatement, as got ten tunes in before I recognized a title I knew. It is interesting to hear what works hold special meaning to an artist. There is booklet with liner notes by Kieth Jarrett that gives some insight.

My second selection is John Taylor Rosslyn, another ECM session with Marc Johnson on double Bass and Joey Baron on drums.  This CD is so delicate in it's reflective tone, I have trouble imagining this being played in club setting.  The music seems to exist in an extreme quiet zone where you must hold you breath as to not drown out the music.  Worth a listen, in a very zen way.

Again, as I reflect on the meaning of July 4 in the current state of affair, I can only said we have a long way to go to live up to our ideas we've usually celebrate.  Lets work to make that day of honest truth and reconciliation for all come sooner, rather than later. Peace.

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