Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Music Muse Day - Pure Moods, Warped Sky Stray Clouds 'Song to my Friends" and "The Wise Fool" by Peter Grosett

This Sunday Music Muse Day finds us in our 4th of July holiday weekend.  In these days of pandemic and political chaos, I chose to have a low-key holiday and stay close to home. I spent most of 4th stacking and organizing CD collection in our new CD storage unit.

In moving the CDs I came across a many I haven't played in ages. My pick for today's Sunday Music Muse Day is one of them, Pure Moods. a 1994 compilation CD of New Age music, for lack of better description. I remember seeing TV ads for it, a thought it was cheesy.  I must have picked it up out of a discount bin, and actually it has some good tunes on it, like TV show themes from X-Files and Miami Vice. Plus Artists like Enya, Mike Oldfield, and David Byrne (of Talking Heads). But My favorite tune is Native American group and song, Sacred Spirits - "Yeha-Noha".  It's natural beauty is stunning.

Sunday Music Muse (Part 2) (Actually another (embarrassing) attempt to clear the backlog of undeveloped and unfinished music ideas.) "The Wise Fool" is another  original tune written by friend Peter Grosett back in 1982 and a really favorite tune of mine.  (You can see my last post for Peter's "Flowers" for a fuller a background) I was hoping for a little Gary Burton Quartet feel with the vibraphone.  This backing track was created in Band in a Box music software.   So, rough edges and all here is the song, "The Wise Fool". I hope it gives a hints of the great song Peter wrote.  I grabbed photos Pete has shared to make this video. I hope it serves as a tribute his continuing creative spirit. 

Here's an extra Warped Sky Stray Cloud entry,  a tune inspired by this image post by my friend and former co-worker at Bright Memorial Library. It's silly tune I wrote back in the '80, and I always thought it would be a good kid's library tune. Working at BML, I thought it would be a nice theme for BML story time. So, I made this fake promo for the library, and with the quality of my vocal you can consider it satire.  

Hope everyone have a safe 4th of July, all thing considered.

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