Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Music Muse Day - Ink Spots, Ry Cooder

This Sunday Music Muse Day find my wife's and I first weekend without our son's football game to attend.  So we raked leaves and caught up on other home chores.  We started the weekend with revisiting old music favorites.  First is theThe Ink Spots Greatest Hits, 1930 -1946 "The Original Decca Recording".  These a classic tunes were popular long before I was born.  I was probably first exposed to them in old movie musicals the ran on TV when I was a kid in the 1950's.  The Ink Spots established a formula, the music opening bars were all the same, with spoken vocal recitations in the middle.  You can't hear these with it bring a smile to your face, and prompt a little cheek to cheek dancing.

Keeping in the same old time vain, Ry Cooder Jazz takes us back to early 1900s, including song from the close of the "Coon Song Era" into Vaudeville.  In fact, my favorite tune on the CD is "Nobody" a big seller by Bert William, a black singer who performed in blackface, as the liner notes states, "as if to mark the passing of Coon songs and minstrelsey...He  got star billing with Ziegfield (Follies) incredible for the times (c.1910-1920)."  Listening to old music can be bitter sweet, but they are products of their times, and we should give the artist their proper respect.

Next week is Thanksgiving Day, so here's wishing everyone a safe, peaceful (avoid talking politics, if you can) time with family, and friends.  Enjoy.

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