Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sunday Music Muse Day - Vijay Iyer, Astor Piazzolla

With cool feel of fall in the air, this Sunday Music Muse Day has me sampling more eclectic offings.  First up, Vijay Iyer Tragicomic.  This young innovative jazz pianist is consider a genus on many levels by noted jazz critics.  His music can be challenging to listen to with his exploration of odd meters and complex harmonic concepts.  My wife enjoys most of my musical selections, and tolerates others, but a few get a "I'm not feeling this" as this CD did.  I'm leaning in agreement with her, but I'll keep giving it more listenings.

Next in my eclectic exploration is Astor Piazzolla Tango Zero Hour. I love the sound of the bandoneon, but I readily admit I have only a passing understanding tango music, and that's mainly from artists like Chick Corea and Al DiMeola who incorporate it in their music throughout their careers.  Before that, mostly old movies, often for comic effect.  Tango creates images of Old World charm that's as romantic as it's reputation.  This CD is well worth visiting. (The silver foil cover was impossible to scan)

Fall is in the air, not to rush it, but can winter be far behind.  Leaves are start to fall, so I suggest gathering musical chestnuts for the coming seasons.  Enjoy.

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