Saturday, February 23, 2019

Dime-A-Dozen Project #9 - St. Clair - Before Afro-Futurism

[Dime-A-Dozen Projects is so named from a conversation with creative friends of mine as we lamented that when we were working full-time for someone else, we get these (in our minds) original million dollar ideas, that would, somehow, turn into "dime-a-dozen" ideas when we were out of work and on our own. I have ton's of unfinished projects in the form of character sketches, incomplete written outlines, half drawn comic pages, and full illustrations. You get the idea, a dime-a-dozen idea. I'm feeling the need to catalog for my own sanity and for a simple record to leave my kids, and as I said above, along the way rekindle my creative juice and start drawing again.]

This collection of sketches is Odd & Ends of a group of miscellaneous Black characters in Sci-Fi settings started at a time when there were few black characters in science fiction stories in comics and other medias.

Lance St, Clair is "Shaft in Space", (the badass black private eye from the 1970s movies).

Some of my sci-fi adventures was inspires my the DC Comics Manhunter 2070 mini-series, created by artist Mike Sekowsky published in 1970.
My character Maximus Kreel is a Earthman who was abducted by aliens and taken to a distant galaxy and stranded there, he takes up the life of bounty hunter. 

Lance Bold was alternate name of Maximus Kreel (I think).

Lance St, Clair created by writer friend, Charlie Hunt, a story, "Cool Heat" was outlined but never finish. Such in the fate of a Dime-A-Dozen Project. 
Here's a detail showing a female Space Pirate. 
Space Jump (?) Think the 70s.

This is my rough sketch of the "StarGod" cover.

This is a rough outline for plot points of the story

 The StarGod tablet.
 Misc. sketches of St.Clair characters.

 Here is the very rough comic page rough of the "StarGod" story.

 ship designs.
 Misc. drawing roughs in a thumbnail of a Space Mercenary duo.

 This detail I used for a larger art piece.
 The unnamed Space Mercenaries.

I hope at some point get back to some of these ideas an character, either as one-shot illustrations or longer comic book stories.  There is  more fun Dime-A-Dozen projects to come. I'm looking forward to sharing them.

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