Saturday, February 9, 2019

Dime-A-Dozen Project #8 Joppa of Khad - Blaickwolf Part 2 - The Saga.

[Dime-A-Dozen Projects is so named from a conversation with creative friends of mine as we lamented that when we were working full-time for someone else, we get these (in our minds) original "million dollar" ideas, that would, somehow, turn into "dime-a-dozen" ideas when we were out of work and on our own.]

Here's part 2 of the Joppa of Blackwolf post, Presented here is the overview outline of the Blackwolf Saga.

Here's the video overview:

I plan to revise and insert the "Scale of the Guardian" story here.

 This color page is a hint of Blackwolf's introduction to the Brotherhood of the Red Ring.
 Above is the the latest drawing of Vallia, the Barbarian Queen.
 My latest drawing of Blackwolf.
The Blackwolf Saga...TO BE CONTINUED,

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