Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Music Muse Day - Bob Sneider, Paul Silbergleit

The week's Sunday Music Muse Day will be a brief one.  We had trip to the emergency room over night, not life threatening, but tiring the less.  After allowing myself to sleep until noon, I play my first selection to ease into the day.  Bob Sneider Out of the Darkness, one of Rochester's finest musicians, guitarist and favorite of mine. This is Bob's second recording which features, the swinging Mike Melito on drums, and his Bob's brother, John Sneider on trumpet.  Unfortunately, I have to miss a performance by Bob and Mike at the Lovin' Cup, a local venue.  I was looking forward to good music, and a good meal.  Listening to Out of Darkness will have to be my consolation prize for the evening.  I'll definitely make the next gig.

My second selection, is someone new to me, Paul Silbergleit Silberglicity.  The liner notes from this 1996 release, described his playing as "...will surely impress even the toughest listeners of straight-ahead jazz."   So, I figured it was worth a listen.  I'm am impressed and most of the tunes are originals.   Checking out his web site, he has many things is common with Bob Sneider, "Paul Silbergleit is a Milwaukee-based jazz guitarist, composer, educator, and author. Straight-ahead in style, he bears the influence of figures such as Grant Green, Wes Montgomery, Jim Hall, Pat Metheny, Pat Martino, and Kenny Burrell."  I think he and Bob could have a lot to talk about.

That's it for this week. Hope you find some music to calm the chaos, but no Kenny G.  Enjoy.

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