Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Music Muse Day - Jazz Collections, One DVD and one turkey

So, here's my Sunday Music Muse Day offering. I hit the jackpot at the Record Archives store and picked up some nice additions to my music collection. The best find is the StarBuck compilation of Impulse (jazz label) cuts. The second title is a Duke Ellington-Coleman Hawkin's cut, "Limbo Jazz", which has my father playing drums and vocalizing on. I've been looking for full CD, but it's never at the records shops. So, until I find it will happily tie me over. I'll more info on each photo selection.

I'm embarrassed I don't have more Jobim music in my collection. So this helps to correct that.  Great samba classics from the master himself.

I posted about this group several weeks ago, and had them on my list I took to the record shop. Beside the jazz collections, it the only one on the list I got to cross off'       

Here are two selection from Norway and Finland.  This the second CD by Tord Gustavsen I have.  I'm  a sucker for ECM label artists.  There a spacey chamber jazz feel to his music.  The Jazz form Finland CD was a total gamble, I couldn't resist the 80 page booklet.  All the groups are unknown to me and pronouncing their name is a big challenge.  First listen through, only one cut out of the 13 was too crazy to like.

 Here's  interior spreads from the Jazz from Finland booklet.  As I said, good luck with pronouncing those names.

 These two buys below were part impulse. I remember liking the movie The Messenger, and thought it would a nice non-football Sunday movie. I have some early albums of bassist Jamaaladeen Tacuma and liked them. Unfortunately this CD sucks, totally. His early stuff was a mix of Punk-Jazz , in the the vain of Ronald Shannon Jackson, and Living Color. This one is smooth jazz/funk/with a bad attempt at social message, it fails on all levels. The kicker is I picked this over a CD of bassist Stanley Clark first solo album, which I have the LP of already and love it. The bad choice cost 5 bucks.  But. I'll enjoy my other purchases to ease my pain.

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