Thursday, January 15, 2015

Noteworthy books - The Art of Rube Goldberg and Ramayana - Divine Loophole by Sanjay Patel

One of my New Year resolutions was to read more books.  Keeping that in mind, one of the perks of working part-time at a public library is access to some new book releases. These two really grabbed my eye. The Art of Rube Goldberg, need I say more. If you don't smiled just at the mention of the great cartoonist Rube Goldberg's name you're too young or dead in the heart. It's a wonderful over size book with a animation cover art by Jennifer George his granddaughter.  The second is Ramayana - Divine Loophole by Pixar artist Sanjay Patel. This has amazing artwork. It has to be seen to be believed, It hope the story matches the art.  Look these up at your local library or book store. Both are on my book buying list. Digital versions would not give these book the justice they deserve.

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