Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Youtube Posts

Here a batch of new videos I posted this past week or so. They run the gambit from Dragonfly Flipz books to a special animator debut and showcase.

First up is the Alien Parade,- Part 1 - Web Flipz™ based on the animated CGI short of Den Beauvais, award winning Comic (Aliens), Fantasy and Video Game artist (Vanguard, Saga of Heroes). Den and I recently renewed our licensing agreement, so, I'll continue selling this, and making more Alien Parade flip books. This flip book is on my ebay store, Dragonfly Emporium.

Next up is my Dragonfly Web Flipz™ based on my movie of the American Presidents slide show on the White House web site ( This is a test printing, as such, the second side has some images out of order. I thinking of doing a four flip book set (if I can get permission to use the images from the slide show), with added featured when you group the book's back covers together. I'll post them soon.

The Magus, Robot Fighter flip book was something I found in my old art files. I made it from an promo video I did on my Amiga Computer with Deluxe Paint. If enough Valiant Comic fans show an interest in it and post a comment, maybe I'll do a free download version, since I don't know who owns the rights to Magus at this point.

Here's my Sound Sketch #4 - Just a Thought, A short piece I wrote on April 26, 1980 (I had the date written down on chord sheet) I imagined it as being the calm music piece to follow a hard rocking tune to end a live gig at a small club. Someday , I may get up the nerve to play at a open mike night at one of our local clubs or coffee house. Until then, I just share it here. Enjoy.

Last, but not least, is this debut animation by my 11 year son. In his words: "This is a film about a Giant Lobster that eats pig-stealing aliens, and there is a surprise at the end!!!" It was done one at the 2009 Brighton schools Festival of Ideas (stop-motion animation workshop). Keep in mind the class was only an hour long. Great job!


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