Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year & New Resolutions

First, I hope everyone had a great holiday season, and here's wishing you a very Happy New Year. It's time for New Year resolutions, again.

I, for one, like to make New York resolutions, if done in a positive way. I see it as just setting new, or revised, goals for yourself after some self reflection. Just, don't beat yourself up if you fall short of your goals. There's always next year. One of the easiest way to gauge yourself is to look at last year's New Year's resolution.

My two resolutions were to revise my blog, and pick up the guitar again. I'm happy to say, I did both pretty well. I've been posting more to this Dragonfly Views blog than my other web sites and really enjoying it. I thank all the people viewing this blog from all over the world. As for the guitar playing, I'm still at it. I play, at least, 10 minutes a day and more when time allows. I've started working on a music project, Warped Sky - Stray Cloud, a combination of songs from old tapes and new renditions of original tunes. Mostly it's for my friends, Richard and Rodney, the old Warped Sky band. But I think I'll post it online at some point.

So, what are this New Year's resolutions? Lets see:

To get back to drawing, for fun, and profit. Generally, put down some of my original ideas in more concrete forms like storyboards, animatics, model sheets, etc. Also, make better use of my website and blog to get the Dragonfly Flipz off the ground. To that end, I'll be offering a download version of some of my Dragonfy Flipz books soon.

I thinks that enough for this year.

Please check in often and I'll keep you posted.

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