Sunday, September 23, 2007

Maryann Kovalski - Children's Book Illustrator

The great thing about internet is it helps people contact with each other. It's great for keeping in touch with current friends, and associates. It helps you make new contacts, around the world. And best of all, it helps you re-contact with old friends. That was the case with Maryann Kovalski and myself.

Maryann is a talented illustrator, and sometimes writer, of children books with many published works to her credit. She also happens to have been a friend, and classmate, of mine at the School of Visual Arts, who I lost contact with for over twenty-odd years. As it happened, two years ago, I noticed a item about her in the SVA Alummi journal with a her email address. I emailed her, half thinking, "would she even remember me from those days?" To my pleasant surprise, she did, and we both have enjoyed the warm renewal of our friendship. It's a joy to exchange tales of families, careers, and just "bits of life's journey" from the different paths we've travel since art school. Now, that I live in Rochester, NY, and she lives in Toronto, Canada, we may get to see each other before another twenty or so years pass.

So, do yourself a favor and visit her website and marvel at the great books she has done. Tell her I sent you, and then seek out and buy her books. They great for sharing and reading to your kids. "Omar on Ice" is one of my favorite.

I'm adding her web site to my links lists, also. You should do the same if you have a blog.

Keep up the good work Maryann. See you soon.

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